Aaron Traxton, CPA, Phone:
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Business Name:Aaron Traxton, CPA
Contact Person:
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
Office Phone:
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Web Address:www.traxtoncpa.com
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About: I specialize in helping my clients understand how to use accounting and tax information to make sound decisions that will help them achieve their personal and professional goals.

Specialties: Tax Return Preparation, Tax Consulting, Tax Planning, IRS/ODOR Representation, Accounting, Bookkeeping; Offer-in-Compromise, CFO Services, Business Consulting, Estate Planning, Succession Planning/Exit Planning, Forensic Accounting, Retirement Planning, Divorce Accounting, Businesses and Individuals.

Aaron Traxton, CPA is located at Lake Oswego, OR 97035. Please call to verify the address before visit.

Accountant, practitioner of accountancy, is the measurement, disclosure or provision of assurance about financial information which assist managers, investors, tax authorities and other decision makers make resource allocation decisions. Legally practicing accountants are CPAs(Certified Public Accountant), CIA(Certified Internal Auditor), CMA(Certified Management Accountant) and ABA(Accredited Business Accountant). We suggest you contact more Accountants nearby before choosing your Accountant.

The Standard Industrial Classification(SIC) of Aaron Traxton, CPA is . The fax number is . The web address is www.traxtoncpa.com. Please click the Correct Listing link to update the contact information(contact person, phone number, fax, email address and web address, etc).
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